Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Breaking the News that you are dating someone to your Friends..!!

Breaking the News that you are dating someone to your friends is always a big task but it gains more mass and thus more inertia [law of inertia applies in normal life as well.. :P] when the object of your affection is known to the breakee. this is when it becomes a tricky thing. so obviously the reactions would vary depending on the breakee. I have observed three such kind of reactions which are briefly discussed below.. [:P]

The reactions of the breakee varies from disbelief, to sheer emotional drama, to showing off being an Omniscient.

The disbelief is expressed as “you must b trolling. Tell me the truth now, you little Troll..!!” Come on, don’t take us for a fool. I know both of you, you can’t be dating. I asked you before, you two denied it. Were you dating then as well? And if you say no, we just started dating and only now we are serious about taking it to the next level. Then they go back to the denial state where they know your relationship status better than you..[ :P]
No offenses but they should agree you could hide it from them, so they should say, “wow, never knew you could really hide things so well.. [:P]

Now let’s go over the Emotional Drama. It is often expressed as “I thought we were friends and you never told me that you guys were dating.”. These people are your good friends but their reaction makes you wanna cry..!! How can you create a scene over why I didn’t tell you before. Personally I find it the most irritating response. The disbelief is so sporting and kind of cheerful. But this is a sheer pain to go through. Please spare me the emo drama, after all I am in a relationship where there would be a hell lot of drama, so please you don’t walk down that lane..!! [K]

Now is the time for the lovely Omniscient’s reaction. Even they are as surprised as the others but they try to hide it behind a ‘I knew it all”. This kind is as cute and lovable as the disbelief guy. You can pull their leg by asking how. And since you now know the theory, you can apply it to whatever case it seems fit for and easily fake the knowledge of the truth. [I know I said it like a true studious bug..] [:P]

However different the approach is, the surprise element is still itching for all of them. And who doesn’t love a surprise.. [:P]
Yeah, yeah.. You love it only till the point you aren’t at the receiving end of such surprises.. [:D]

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Three amazing truths:

Three amazing truths:
1.       The best way to feel less irritated is to love self a little more.
2.       The best way to irritate a hater is again to love self a little more.
3.       The best way to be happy is again to love self a little more.

I had realized both these truths as early as class 10th. And today I was in need of a little more love because of a little irritation.

How to love self a little more?
Well, it is easy. These simple points would make you less irritated/happy as well as make your hater die in self pity.
1.       Take a little more time in shower. Take a bath as if you have all the time in the world. Few more minutes in the shower would result in a better scrub and thus a more glowing skin.
2.       Take time to moisturize your skin.
3.       Wear a new outfit. If you don’t have anything new, don’t fret. You can always wear that old dress with a twist. Mix and match. Wear it in a new way n dazzle.
4.       Go out and shop/window shop. Looking at all the awesome things that make you look prettier make you happy. [Though it might not work directly on haters. But your happy face is enough to fuck their day. LOLz]

I was a little irritated with a lot of people in my office.  I didn’t even feel like waking up for office. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided to fight back.

So I got up. Went through steps 1 to step 3 [though I had a few new dresses, I still opted to wear an old one with a twist]. I was looking good by the time I was ready to go to the battle field [metamorphically speaking, obviously..: P]
I mean come on who are we kidding. A place full of people who don’t really approve of you is nothing less than a battle zone.

Anyways, wore a frock styled kurti without the churidar. Added a shrug to complete the look of a dress. Did it work for me? Not really sure. But a few friends said nice. And a few frenimies raised eyebrows.

Mission Accomplished..!! : P

Funny as well as Irritating Reasons..!!

I am unable to understand why people come up with stupid reasons to avoid telling the truth. Time and again we all come across people who give unrealistic answers to avoid telling the truth. These logic defying awesome answers are a product of dumb brains that have limited imagination and even lesser logical thinking and reasoning abilities.

I think this irritating habit can be exploited in designing a test that would actually check ‘How dumb you are’? I think this is an idea worth patenting. I think if anyone seriously does some research on this topic then they can easily come up with a small questionnaire that could be used by employers to judge the presence of mind as well as reasoning ability along with the ability to come up with feasible and thought over solutions to real life problems.

I would like to thank all the irritating people coming up with dumb reasons for instilling this thought in my mind as well as acting as a vast source of research for the tedious process [sitting through the crap being said requires patience as well as strength] and helping me come up with this theory which I intend to build my personality and capability measuring tests. [This is my original idea and anyone can use it to explain their point but they should give me credit for developing the concept..: P]

Let me try to jot down some of the random but really amusing replies you get from people.
Why didn’t you come with us yesterday to the mall/trip/outing? [Home/Friend scenario]
1.       I was ill.
2.       I had very important work at home.
3.       I had already promised to meet someone the same day.
Despite the fact they didn’t mention it the day before while you were planning but suddenly on the day you are supposed to go out/meet, they become ill/remember prior meeting promises they made/get urgent work..!!
Why didn’t you come yesterday? [Office scenario]
1.       I was ill.
2.       My mother/father/wife/son/daughter/dog was ill. Had to take him/her to the doctor.
The real reason ranges from was didn’t feel like coming to just lazy to mad at you/team/co-worker.
Girl/Boy: What happened?
1.       Nothing.
2.       Just have a headache/bored/not feeling well/ not liking anything.
Real reason is a lot of emotional drama/trauma stuffs.
I don’t need it anymore. You can take it for free/[a very small amount].  [Refusing later]
1.       Actually my sibling/cousin needs it.
2.       Other friend/cousin asked for it before you.
3.       I broke it. It’s useless now.
While the real reason is “I Don’t Want to Give IT to You on that Price”. And just because I’ll lose face in front of you/ you would fight with me for making you give up on another deal because of my offer.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 1 without a Room mate

I didn't like living in the same house with my ex-flatmate but living alone is also a pain..!!

I don't want to get into what I didn't like about her, I'll just try to track what I didn't like about Day 1 and Day 2 in a home that was recently vacated.

1. When your flatmate vacates your home, some of the furniture and electronics stuff leaves your house. The emptiness of the house after they leave is directly proportional to the number of years they have spent in the city.

2. Returning to an empty home, [read as without any other form of mammalian life form] is really disheartening and depressing.

3. No source of entertainment and no one physically present to hear your woes. [though she was really a companion]

4. You don't feel like eating alone. Seriously, there is something about eating alone that is depressing.

The underlining word in all the above sentences is 'Lonliness'. It feels so bad to be alone.

Am I alone in this 'Lonliness'woes or do I have company here? [:-|]

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Week it was...!!

Another week has passed in the city and now as the date of flying back home is approaching, I am getting those dreams where you either couldn't make it to the airport in time or when you crash, though nothing happens to anyone, or maybe you don't know what happened to all of you because you woke up before that part..!! but whatever the case is, these are just anxious dreams I am getting.

The week it was.
It was a great week. Marked with crazy fun. We had a cultural program and I danced on the stage for the first time. Yes, no matter how much blabbering I do, I am not exactly "On the Stage" person, so it was naive of me. The dance was fine, we weren't really well co-ordinated beacuse
1. ours was a big group.
2. we didn't get to practice much with the entire group

So we weren't really selected for the finals as we weren't really co-ordinated group and I was a little more cautious as the end of the lower was slipping underneath my foot. [:-(]
But still we had a real good time. We all enjoyed the dancing together part. the practicing part, the impromptu bhangra we would break into. It was all fun and no worries at all.

I later joined the classes for the "Art of Living". It was an awesome first day. I was the chirpiest of the entire group. We were told a few rules in the beginning of the course and I thought I could abide by them just to discover the very next day that I broke few too many.

Later in the week, the very next day after the first "Art of Living" class, we had the finals and we got back on the stage, not for the dance obviously but in the saree special fashion show. I got a call the previous night to come with a saree. I told them neither I have one, nor I know how to wear one. But the girl on the other side of the phone, my team mate was positive and I agreed.

Getting dressed was a little funny, i think my walk was fine but since I didn't have anything of my size, I knid of ended up looking plain Jane and a little funny. But it was fine I guess. You need to make a little fool of yourself once in a while to feel imperfect and capable of improvement.

The rules I broke.
well, we were supposed to come to each and every class, not drink carbonated drinks and do the Pranayams taught to us. It was a great experience in the class and I could easily see myself completing the course as I am not really an addict of carbonated drinks and I thought I can attend all the classes easily. But with this Fashion show coming unannounced and I stupidly committing to look stupid, ditched the class for the show. [:-(]
But we all are faced with choices and we all make some decisions that we might regret and so did I. I decided to stick to my words and do the show than running away to my classes.

The Punishment.
I'll have to repeat  the course as I have failed o keep promises to myself though I kept the promises I made to people. I need to feel more responsible for self than the world around. Probbly I would be completing the course soon. I also missed the opportunity of going out to the Ashram with my friends who might be enjoying the serene environment as I write this piece. To rub salt to wounds, the weather is awesome today.

The Way I Enjoyed.
well all this regret doesn't mean I didn't have fun at all. I went shopping with a friend who is going away to the States for quite sometime. I am not really hoping to see him for atleast another year now.
We went around Bangalore driving in his car without exactly knowing our way around the city and pretty much reached MG Road without much help and taking turn on pure Instincts. I have realised one thing, I do listen to my gut feeling way too often..!! [:P]
But it seems to set me on the right path. Guess, no one's complaining.

Some Pictures Defining the Week It was!!

The Sizzling Infectors.. :P

Striking a Pose.. :D
The Shoes we got..!!

The Jacket I got.. :P
[Photo taken from the US POLO ASSN site..]

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another weekend in the City..!!

It is Sunday morning and I am still in the Saturday morning mode, the morning after a sleepless Friday night. I think Katy Perry has got the runaway hit by singing about the Friday night frenzy and chaos because everyone could relate to it. Though I don’t smell like a mini-bar on any Friday... [: P]

Finally talking about this week and the weekend, I had fun watching Rockstar. It’s a movie where Ranbir is the crowd puller not for his looks but for his acting. I think he could emote well and I could really feel a connect he had with the audiences. But the best moment was when people whistled like crazy when the trailer of Don 2 was played..!! Oh man it was just awesome being there... People really like Don and Shahrukh Khan looks like the real mean thing and man, he is sexy... [;-)]

I have the list of movies I want to see know... all lined up one after the other. I want to see dirty picture, Don 2 and Agneepath..!! All the three look awesome from the promos... I wanted to see Rockstar ever since the first theatrical was released. I thought it would be an awesome and sentimental movie provided Ranbir emotes well... and he did do justice to the movie. He played the character to the kilt..!!

The songs added soul to the movie. The pain is something anyone who has loved and lost can connect to. It makes you numb and you also give your lost love a thought. It makes you wonder if you can love like Jordan? It makes you wonder if men are really capable of love like as portrayed by him... I wonder if we humans really can experience such strong emotions in this age of short time love which hardly lasts a few months.

It also conveys a really funny message too. My friend saw the movie on Friday and I was going on Saturday, so I asked for his reviews, though I had the tickets, but I just hoped to know what to expect. He said it made him loose faith in the institution of marriage. The girl keeps fucking around with her guy friend, though not he can’t be termed fuck-buddy, but she doesn’t love him as such but just likes getting in between the sheets with him. She wants to be with her husband with occasional sex with the famous Rockstar. The husband and the Rockstar are guys used by this woman Heer. To help her save face, she is shown ill, as if being ill gives you the license to screw your marriage and sleep with some other guy.

Well this was the hilarious and funny thing, but I guess human emotions are strange and we really can’t understand them all... But I still feel she could have told the husband about not being happy in the marriage and then get a divorce and then sleep with whomever she wanted to sleep with. Then you wouldn’t have needed “Oh the poor sick girl” thing to justify her infidelity and sleeping around.

Overall Ranbir’s acting was the only plus in the movie with a crippled script and a fake girl trying to believe she is a  star with her pout..!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Struggles of a dislocated Delhite..!!

Ever since moving into Bangalore, all I hit are road blocks, all I get are newer challenges. First it was finding a place to stay, followed by the struggle to find a flat to move into to finding the right companion to share the apartment with..!! If all this wasn’t enough, I had to get all the connections like gas, Internet and cable and list seems like growing with each passing day!!
I found a companion, a rather cool companion in Peony. We soon found a flat to stay in as well. She had a gas connection already in her name. I guess all these things that came free with her were the real things that made me happier ever since I moved into the flat..!! [:P] okkk.. I guess it was a little mean and selfish, but it was really the cherry on the cake... [;)]

We restored the cable connection people staying before us had. So it seemed going would get easier now. But the only connection that was to be set up from scratch, internet, really turned out to be the real painful experience in our lives.

We tried to restore the Airtel Internet connection she had. We felt just giving the reinstallation charges for the new address would end our plight. I have noticed one thing here; Customer care sucks in Airtel... I even feel tempted to generalise it for Bangalore as a whole though... [: P]

The connection was somehow restored after thousands of calls, threatening to drop bomb at their office by peony and the almost forceful detention of the workers coming to reinstall connection at the new address we have now.

 I wonder if we could have been arrested that night for detaining those workers. Had they logged a complaint with the local police, we might have ended in jail. We might have escaped the fate as Peo has an influential uncle. But still the thought amuses me, in jail for harassing and detaining the Airtel field workers..!! Wowwww this feels like some real psycho perverts or crazy women harassing 2 men in those lands where women feel vulnerable all the time. We could have been reorganised for our act of defiance by some NGO or women’s organisation for making women feel real powerful. All this is still hypothetical as nothing went like the way it shaped in my head..!! [:P]

The internet connection was however not stable and the laptops would disconnect from the net way too often. After many unsuccessful attempts to get someone from Airtel to resolve the issue, we decided to end our association with Airtel. Though I still wonder if no one showing any interest in coming over to have a look at the real cause of the problem we faced had anything to do with the incident of Peo forcibly holding the workers to complete all tasks before they call it EOD. Probably no one wanted to be detained in our house... [:?]

We then took internet connection from a local company named Hathway. It was a 5 MBPS unlimited plan but nothing about this plan was so called unlimited... How? Well simply because we had limits. [Have already written over this, though in a very different tone] Again after numerous unattended calls to their customer care centre, I wrote a mail to the customer support to get some explanation around the 128kbps speed we had to deal with though we took a 5Mbps plan [some real shit policy at work]. The customer care executive just knew one line, no matter what you asked him, he just retorted “company policy”... I wonder if he would say “company policy” even if we asked him the reason for being such a dumb ass...

Anyways, we were back to where we started from, no internet connection despite trying our level best to get a plan that suits our needs. I miss Delhi for the competitive nature of any service. I loved the “Customer is God” and “too good to believe” offers that were the notion of life in Delhi. But Bangalore makes “Gods feel like Beggars”..!! Here God has to take up whatever is being thrown to him… Oh! Delhi made you feel so powerful and even the middle class felt a little more valued there... I am so much more in love with Delhi now..!!

Well like a lost puppy who just got the scent of his master, we went running back to Airtel. The old connection that was disconnected was restored after a “Fuck you” and “you people don’t care” by my famous Peo. While restoring the connection we came to know the reason for the problems we were facing with Airtel in our first innings. The modem was faulty. I wish if someone came and checked it then when we were raising tickets for it, we might have saved going through the Hathway pain..!!! [L]

Anyways, what’s done is done.. We still have some concerns which are yet to be addressed. Our plan is still in the test phase and I wonder if this plan can serve us best. The previous plan she had isn’t available anymore and we are still left with wondering about the unlimited plans with thousands of limits.. These lies, these marketing strategies, I am tired of them all.. All I need is a good internet speed and a reasonable download spectrum..!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Team outing..

It was a happy Friday after putting in lots of effort throughout the week to meet deadlines and finish work. It even more happy Friday because it was a team outing day, a day when we all go out and just have fun together and bond well with each other. It not only gave opportunities to know your own team mates, but also an opportunity to interact with other teams working and coordinating on various aspects of the products.

I had put the alarm of 5:30, I also went to bed early, the alarm also went out in time, but it’s too difficult to get up so early in the morning when your body still feels a little tired. I snoozed the alarm till 6 and soon fell asleep. The alarm went off again and I dragged myself out of the bed though 80% of me wanted to still lie and sleep while 20%of me knew that it’s time to get up, bathe n get ready.

So I got up, letting the 20% win against democratic voting laws. I brushed my teeth, put on music to open my eyes and heat the milk and prepare the corn flakes breakfast. I thought of taking a quick bath, but as always took a little more than expected and came out running while my sweet colleague waited patiently for me to show up. I got dressed in a hurry and ran to the bus stop where she was waiting for me in an auto. We went to the office and then, boarded the bus to our destination.

The journey to the destination, a golf resort was nice and fun. It involved a little of singing and enacting film’s names. We finally reached the destination and a quick breakfast was followed by a tug of war. But it was too sunny for an outdoor games event. I was sweating like a goat. I tried to find a properly air-conditioned corner in the resort but I guess it was put down because of the maintenance work there. I tried to take up some sport but couldn’t find company. I am not really too good at sports, especially the indoor ones. I wanted to play badminton but since I had no partner, I had no choice. I could have just hanged at the court and asked ever few minutes if I can play, but that’s not really me. I feel too awkward doing it. I am not really an introvert, but I feel people aren’t really cool with a bugger, so I chose not to intervene. The players on the badminton court were known to me, but most of the time, they try to corner me out for not being a good player. They’ll all want to play with a pro and not a naive like me. Sometimes I feel bad, because I never do it anyone, and I understand the basic logic that everything takes a little time to come to you. You can pick up a sport, maybe slower than others, but if you try, you can. Bored and sweaty, I started looking for a place to sit.  After actually lying at the reception area for close to half an hour, I got company of a few bored guys like me. They hanged out with me for like 10 minutes and thought of going to the play area. I decided to follow suit.

I finally went to the playing area where my team mates were playing this indoor version of football with a ball and 11 plastic players controlled by a set of 4 bars for each team. It’s a game for 4 and one of my sweet team mate called me to play the game with them. We played it, then went on to play air hockey and then went on to play squash till some wanted to just get rid of me and play. I find it a mean behaviour, so what if I don’t know much about how to play the game, but I want to try my hands and maybe pick it up. Squash is a game I really like but never really got an opportunity to play and I just didn’t like their attitude of telling me that since I don’t know how to play, I should get moving. You could have played it all this while or after I am done. But this time I refused to buzz off and continued playing. By the end of something like 40 minutes, I was able to pick a few basics of the game and came out wanting to take up the game, I didn’t want to let go of the experience just because some people thought I didn’t had the right to play because I don’t know how to play.

Anyways, we left for lunch. I met these two girls at lunch who were sweet and we instantly became kind of friends because we hit the right chords. She is a pretty, but she didn’t have those airs about self. We gelled well and then pretty much hung out together. We went for a bike ride around the entire resort. It was fun cycling on those up-hill and down-hill roads. I was seriously having fun in her company. We cycled almost like 5 kms, we almost got lost and we had a  real nervous moment when we realised the lovely mountaineering bikes don’t have a bell, so we were shouting at each merger with a main road to warn someone that we were coming. :D

It was a real fun and exhausting activity. It was more like a friendly thing than I had with my team. In my team, I like 5 people a lot. Rest are fine and a few I don’t really like, but no hatred here. I just guess they don’t really approve of me and kind of treat me as an outsider. I want to feel like a part now, no more of being treated like a foreign material deserving allergic reactions. L

We went back in bus and i didn't get a seat with my team mates. The new friend I made asked me to join their group where they were also playing the enacting the name of a film game, but in a smaller group. It was pretty dull in the beginning, but then we picked it up like anything. In the beginning we gave easy movies from Bollywood to opponent team who weren’t really Hindi speaking, but the enthusiasm they had, the passion they had for the game was awesome. They would relate the Hindi word to some local language word or English word and enact. It was such a good feeling see cultures mix. But as we moved more into the Hollywood movies, it became a fast paced and fun. It ended up being more fun than the big group playing it back there and we bonded much better than the big group. A genuine good byes when people got down was a pleasant sight. I also got lots of love from all of them as I leaved the bus for home. I wish I got this warmth from my team as well. But I guess the purpose for going to the resort was solved by picking a little of squash and making a little more good friends who genuinely like you and don’t care about your drawbacks as you really can’t be a master at everything. You suck at a few.. some more than others. :P